Michelle Malkin hit it out of the park with this one: Special report: A parental revolt against the SEIU’s home invasion robbery

Let's try to simply the story.

As reported earlier, SEIU has been targeting the 3,500 home healthworkers in Illinois. The post here talks about how the health care workers at Resurrection Hospital were "protesting" the hospital's anti-union policies, so these gangsters are desperate to grow their numbers quickly.

I wonder why? Is this just another underhanded push by Union thugs to force through Obamacare?

The strong arm of the socialist unions are at work, and they are now promising to infest private homes across the land. SEIU and AFSCME are thirsting for more dues paying members, and what better people victmize than those who care for disabled relatives in their own homes?

What's worse is they are using lies and coercion to get there.

First, Governor Quinn signed off on the "Executive Order 09-15", also reported here earlier.

Then, the SEIU gets the names and contact information for all those families who are caring for a disabled relative in their homes and the SEIU Purple Shirts began targeting them with a relentless campaign to join the union. They did so by visiting the families, and sending them thinly veiled threats through the mail. They warned that families should remain "neutral" regarding unions, and then they warned that if they spoke out against unionization, they could have their funding revoked.

Read Malkin's entire entries including the letters sent to families and the statement made by Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Dan Proft.

Not to worry, though, in Michigan, they're going after babysitters. And they're active in Kansas and other states as well.
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